Tuesday 25 October 2011

When Bob Geldof Fed The World

When Bob Geldof fed the world
He swore on live T.V.,
Desperate to spread the message.
This music wasn’t free!
The 'juke-box' in our living rooms
Was to help alleviate
Starvation in North Africa,
Death at frightening rate.
‘Don’t go down the pub tonight,
Stay in, watch this instead.
Send us your f***in’ money,
We’ll turn it into bread!’
They turned it into ships and trucks,
Gave shelter, clothes and soap.
They dug them wells for water,
Gave people back their hope.

Monday 3 October 2011

Four haikus for October 3rd, 2011

Dark, silent morning
Delayed autumn approaches
Leaves crunch underfoot

Azure sky dazzles
My skin warms to the Sun's touch
October's surprise

Cloud rolls down the hill
Summer's last gasp vanished now
Autumn's chill returns

Evening sky darkens
Gloomy air fills with their cries
Leather winged, they feed

Thursday 29 September 2011

Haiku's on a theme

He stands there, naked
Emotions bared to the world
He feels so alone

He stands there, naked
The sea lapping his ankles
Sun warm on his back

She stands there, naked
Proud, defiant eyes blazing
Daring him to look

He stands there, naked
The bus quickly disappearing
Stag night prank complete

He stands there, naked
Warm water cleansing his flesh
Sweat and grime banished

She stands there, naked
Tears flooding pale blue eyes
The mirror her foe

He stands there, naked
Legs apart, palms to the wall
Hands search his body

He stands there, naked
Flesh proudly exposed to all
No shame, does he feel